Translations:Neues Bauen am Horn/9/en
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Structure of the learning activity
The learning activity can be carried out completely virtually, i.e. all participants can be at different locations, provided there is an Internet connection sufficient for video conferencing systems. In terms of time, the learning activity fits into a double lecture (approx. 180 min). The structure can be adapted, the 360 degree model can be understood without an introduction.
- Introductory video lecture by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Londong on the basics of wastewater infrastructure planning and introduction to the specifics of the construction area (45 min). This can of course be replaced or supplemented by your own lecture.
- 360 degree model for conducting the virtual excursion [3]. The virtual excursion contains 10 points of interest (POI) and is conducted in groups of three learners each. For each POI, the 360 degree model contains information. With the help of a learning management system, a question has to be answered for each POI. Each group member takes one of three roles (model, questions, protocol) (60 min)
- Planning phase: In the excursion groups, the learners work out a basic drainage concept for the residential area they have walked through. They use a digital plan of the residential area for this purpose (45 min).
The performance can be evaluated on the basis of the questions (automatically), the protocol (manually) and the planning (manually). Evaluation guidelines are included in the accompanying material for the teachers.